Gem Elixir - Red Coral
Vedic Planetary Indicator - Red Coral - Mars (Mangala)

Balances the fiery temperament, generates courage, strength and vitality, balances sexual forces, clarifies energetic direction and focus in life, inspires constructive endeavors and activities, insures follow-through of commitment to completion, uplifts the creative spirit, cultures positive self-affirming thoughts and happiness, quiets emotions, frees repetitive thinking, encourages decisive action without judgment, brings the courage to overcome fears and procrastination, determination, enhances concentration, balances the male/female energetic axis, brings improvement to finances

Inherent Meaning of Red/Orange

Positive Key Words -Yang (medium warm), balances fire/water elements, strengthening, focus, direction, commitment, stamina, balances water/fire, responsibility, instinctive wisdom in action, and creative joy in life, confidence

Stress Imbalance or Deficiency - mistrust, weak physically and emotionally, lacking focus and follow through, absence of joy, procrastination, fear, sadness, history of abuse, depression, ungroundedness, worry, lack of love, support, abundance, guilt, shame, inhibition

Spinal - Lower lumbar 2 and 3

Physiological - Intestines, stomach, metabolism, heart, circulation, blood, enhances fertility, digestion and metabolism, reduces worry, stabilizes emotions, balances the water and fire elements in the physiology, increases stamina and vitality, decreases Vata and Kapha

Chakra - Sacral generative and root